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eBook Readers
Not sure which eBook reader to buy? We've tried them all! Click here to see all reviews, or check out the readers below:
Kobo Touch

Competing against companies like Amazon and Barnes & Noble, Kobo’s eReader is up against some giants in the industry. Luckily, the product compares very well to the Kindle, Nook, and other big-name eReaders. The Kobo eReader is so much like the Nook from Barnes & Noble that many people don’t even notice a difference between […]
Kindle Paperwhite

Among the recent releases unveiled by Amazon is the Kindle Paperwhite. This is the company’s first self-illuminated reader, with an integrated light that Kindle readers have been patiently waiting for. It has become the direct competitor of the Nook Simple Touch with Glow Light device by Barnes & Noble. While it may resemble some of […]